Arts and Culture Study

Comp 2

Who is ACCGR?

Art and cultural investment creates social capital and enriches every facet of the community. Art unites individuals not only in physical spaces like galleries and museums, but also culturally, by narrating a community’s collective journey and creating a connection between individuals in all walks of life.


An arts + cultural collective leveraging the power of creativity for equitable social transformation.

Our Why:

An initiative dedicated to enhancing, promoting, and advocating for our community’s art and culture sector.

About the Arts and Culture Study

At the request of the Grand Rapids City Commission, the Arts and Cultural Collective of Grand Rapids (ACCGR) and the City of Grand Rapids have contracted with Grand Valley State University (GVSU) to perform an economic impact assessment of the Grand Rapids arts community. Their goal is to better understand the important role that your organization plays in the city, and how they might collectively think about the necessary supportive structures you might need to be successful.

The assessment will include:

  • An overall analysis of the total arts economy, including direct, indirect, and induced economic contributions. These contributions will include total economic activity, jobs supported, household income, and contribution to GDP.
  • A detailed examination of employment in the arts sector.
  • A breakdown of contribution to the economy by various disciplines within the arts and culture community.

The participation of your organization is imperative to the completion and accuracy of this economic assessment.  The data required from each organization is as follows (if applicable):

  • Admission data for FY2022 and FY2023
  • A breakdown of season passes and general admission sales
  • Admission to classes, events, etc.
  • Employment and annual operational spending
  • Annual construction and investment spending
  • Number of volunteers and volunteer hours
  • Other data as needed

You can send this information directly to GVSU via the email address below.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information being collected, you can contact Christian Glupker at Grand Valley State University (contact information below).   If you have questions about the purpose of the study and your organization’s involvement, please reach out to the City of Grand Rapids at

The Study